President Dr. Brian McGee

Dr. McGee and his bow tie at QU’s historic Francis Hall

Brian McGee is the 24th president of Quincy University. 经过漫长的全国搜索,他于2019年7月1日上任. McGee is the third layperson to serve as president of QU.

McGee’s grandfathers did not finish high school, 他的父母是家里第一批获得大学学位的人. Influenced by this family history, 麦基致力于扩大接受高等教育的机会,并为所有背景的学生提供机会. 2021正规彩票平台的设计2021正规彩票平台项目直接响应了这一承诺,也响应了麦基大学希望2021正规彩票平台走在美国高等教育学生2021正规彩票平台运动前沿的愿望.

Since McGee’s arrival, QU增加了新的学术和体育项目,并翻新了弗朗西斯大厅的部分, Cupertine Hall, and Brenner Library. 该大学通过大力加强校园无线连接和扩大在线课程来应对COVID-19大流行. 新的校园地标和户外空间优先考虑了学生活动,并创造了一个温馨的社区. 在麦基的时代,创新包括新的2021正规彩票平台的设计筹款活动, individualized student success plans, the opportunity for all students to study core business principles, and a new system of seven “houses,” with each new undergraduate students assigned to a house. 麦吉还曾担任伊利诺伊州独立学院和大学联合会的执行委员会成员.

Before coming to Quincy University, 麦基是查尔斯顿学院的教务长和负责学术事务的执行副校长, a university of about 10,000 students in South Carolina. Under his academic leadership, Charleston created 16 new academic programs and concentrations, with substantial growth in distance education offerings. Working with a large group of collaborators, 麦基批准在查尔斯顿建立一个新的奴隶制研究中心,并将查尔斯顿加入研究奴隶制的大学联盟. 在他担任教务长期间,查尔斯顿有色人种的全职教师数量有所增加, 新的筹款活动为学生奖学金提供了支持, faculty hiring, and community engagement.

During his tenure as provost, 查尔斯顿学院有色人种学生的入学人数稳步增长, expanded support services for at-risk and transfer students, 并为现役军人和退伍军人创建了新的项目. 麦基还担任教务长,担任殖民地学术联盟执行委员会成员, a ten-university consortium devoted to academic collaboration.

Before McGee was provost, 他曾担任查尔斯顿的参谋长和行政高级副总裁. 在这个职位上,他监督校长办公室和其他几个校园办公室和项目, including the Office of Institutional Diversity. While McGee was chief of staff, 学生政府协会授予他最高奖项,以表彰他对查尔斯顿学生的贡献.

麦基最初去查尔斯顿是为了成为传播系的系主任, 这所大学最大的本科项目之一就在那里. As a tenured professor of communication, 他也是研究生院的一员,也是妇女和性别研究项目的教员助理. While McGee was chair, 查尔斯顿大学的传播学专业首次入选《2021十大正规彩票app》评选的“20个最受欢迎本科专业的优秀学校”.” A communication master’s degree program also was added.

Prior to his time in Charleston, McGee taught at Spalding University (Kentucky), a Catholic institution, 他是传播学院的创始主席,也是商业传播研究生项目的首任主任. 他还曾在德克萨斯理工大学和东北路易斯安那大学(现为路易斯安那门罗大学)工作。. 麦基有超过20年的教学经验,曾担任高中和大学辩论教练. A strong advocate of shared governance and faculty engagement, 在他的教授生涯中,麦基是三名不同的教员参议院的议员.

Dr. McGee running selfie
Dr. McGee’s post-run selfie in front of Helein Hall

McGee’s research covers several areas, including political rhetoric; argumentation and debate; and communication about race, ethnicity, and gender. 他发表了许多研究论文和书籍章节,并曾担任学术期刊的编辑. 麦吉还为几个州的电视和广播新闻机构就政治竞选宣传提供专家评论. 由于他在高等教育领域的工作,他与人合著了一本书, 教务长工具包:一系列真实故事和案例研究(Rowman & Littlefield).

With the support of a debate scholarship, 麦基在卡本代尔的南伊利诺伊大学获得了言语交际学士学位. 辩论队在他上大学期间赢得了三次全国冠军, twice with McGee serving as team captain. 麦基还在南伊利诺斯州获得了言语交际硕士学位. 他在俄亥俄州立大学获得传播学博士学位.

McGee grew up in Summitville, Indiana, a town of about 900. His parents, Carolyn and Jim, are from Galesburg, Illinois, and his late brother lived in Galesburg, Chicago, and the Quad Cities. 麦基的许多大家庭成员住在盖尔斯堡附近或伊利诺斯州的其他地方, and the various branches of his family have been in Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri since the early 1800s.

麦基的爱好包括合唱和偶尔打高尔夫球. 麦基是天主教徒,曾在几个教区教堂担任唱诗班(领唱). 近年来,他成为了一名狂热的跑步者,每周跑步超过20英里. QU的学生们也知道他与校园松鼠的长期不和,以及麦基对华夫饼和老式华夫饼机的热爱.